As I reflect on 2020, I am hard pressed to think of a better way to describe 2020 than to say, 2020 will be the year you don’t want to remember but it will be the one you won’t forget!
As much as we would all like to forget, or “write off” 2020 as a bad year. In reality it was a year full of challenges conquered and achievements earned.
From a GCP perspective, we were able to successfully transition to a virtual office environment while maintaining our high standards of customer service. Communications internally and externally were enhanced by utilizing the zoom platform. Back burner projects that were on the shelf for two years, were dusted off, started and began delivering tangible results in less than six months. The coaching of entrepreneurs, which is another part of my world, moved from the physical environment to the virtual one. We were able to deliver workshops, online (a first for us) and at the same time increase our ability to reach people from around the globe in real time!
Confidence Produces Capability
So much has happened that I am sure I have missed many other accomplishments. However, this is not all about me and GCP, it is your turn to look back upon 2020, and reflect on what has happened. We are hard wired to focus on the things we did not get done, so it takes a conscious effort to think about our achievements. Take some time to reflect on what went well in 2020. Make note of what you have learned and what you can use in 2021. Come into this year with a positive mindset and confidence in your capabilities. Not only have you survived, you likely have thrived in some areas during the most challenging circumstances of our lifetime! Congratulations.
2020 provided us with an incredible opportunity to learn from one another and grow from a worldwide shared experience. Winston Churchill famously said “Never waste a good crisis”, this means take advantage of this situation, make the changes you’ve been thinking about but never acted on. Clean house; change people, eliminate/add products and services, delegate or stop non productive activities. Move forward because the world will never go back to what it was before. It always evolves.
Most of us have been forced to learn how to do more with less. In a recent conversation with the owner of a Limousine company, his revenue was down 70% in 2020 versus 2019. Nevertheless, he has learned how to be profitable and cash flow positive at the 30% revenue level. He can’t wait for the lockdowns to end because as revenue increases so will his profitability.
My Challenge To You
My challenge for you, make 2021 stronger than when you started 2020. Develop your plan, share it with your team and act on it! Be the one who makes a difference in 2021.
It may be very hard to see or believe that good times are just around the corner, but it is my belief that by Q3 2021 we will have turned the corner on the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of us are experiencing tough government imposed lockdowns, or some type of business/personal restrictions. However, these lockdowns and restrictions will end, so I want to remind you of what the term “luck” really means; Preparation meeting opportunity! What will you do to be ready?
As we are now into January 2021, we have 5-9 months to prepare in order to capitalize on the new opportunities that are coming. GCP experienced a 20% increase in customer orders in Q4 2020 compared to Q4 2019. We are expecting this trend to continue as industrial activity ramps up..
As I have been saying to my great GCP Team, “It’s time to settle in, buckle up and get ready for a wild but good ride”!
Wishing you a Wonderful, Healthy, and Prosperous 2021.
Until next time,
Gary Mottershead
GCP Industrial Products