In December 2019 National Silicone’s new automotive purposed silicone foam (30-SIL-MFM) was approved and listed for GMW16392 Class 2 Type 2 on the international General Motors MATSPC database. Leveraging 10+ years of experience and engineering capability with silicone polymer materials, National Silicone developed a silicone foam fully meeting the demanding GMW standard. In areas such as tensile strength and elongation the product far exceeds any minimum requirements or expectations.
Special properties of this material make it outstanding for applications in the electric vehicle market and rechargeable energy storage systems. Special properties include low compression set, excellent water impermeability under high and low temperatures, and resistance to long-term environmental conditions. For more information on 30-SIL-MFM please contact us anytime at, or at 1-888-814-6599.