Welcome to our new Podcast, Clarity Generates Confidence, where our goal is to bring out the true entrepreneur in you by hearing inspirational stories, business tips and ways to help motivate your mindset, in turn helping you to pursue your dreams and ambitions. During this podcast I will be discussing topics to motivate you in your business venture; including but not limited to, creating the life you want to live, growing your influence, and how to create a successful business and a happy life.
Firstly, let me introduce myself to you. I, Gary Mottershead, I have been coaching entrepreneurs in the Strategic Coach Program since 1996. Over the past 20 years I have coached close to 3000 entrepreneurs and founded GCP Industrial Products. I am confident to call myself a committed entrepreneur and a Catalyst for Growth for my team, clientele, and suppliers. My goal is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible. Because it is not just about being an entrepreneur, it is about finding the confidence within yourself to achieve any goal that you may have.
Clarity Generates Confidence will open your mind up and encourage you to reach your goals as an entrepreneur. Please spread the word about this podcast and if you have any questions or feedback please write to marketing@gcpindustrial.com.
Click the play button below to listen to the episode. You can also find us on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Podcasts
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