What We Do

We develop mutually beneficial long-term relationships.

Supporting Our Customers


From supplying one of our branded product lines to helping customers develop and sell new materials, it’s our job to innovate and deliver a wide range of products and services that make your business better. We achieve this by establishing mutually beneficial win, win relationships where all parties can prosper over the long-term. Below are 6 of the ways we do exactly that.


1. Product Quality Guarantee
Our 100% quality guarantee gives you the added confidence and peace of mind that the products you order from us will work for your applications. No matter if you are buying one of our rubber products or going through our sourcing process, what it means is, you will never be out of pocket for material that you can not use or sell. By ironing out all the important details prior to order, we ensure your order shows up precisely as you need it.


2. Focused On Growth
When we deliver one of our products or a sourcing solution that allows you to reduce costs, streamline your supply chain or compete in new avenues of business, we support your drive for organizational growth. We understand our growth is a direct result of our customers growth. You are our purpose.


3. Inventory
Through our network of preferred converters and distributors we always have plenty of stock available for our branded product lines. Our partners frequently replenish inventories to have material ready when you need it. Need something fast? Most our partners ship the day it is ordered.


4. Technical & Customer Support
We sell products, services and more. That “more” is providing the very best customer support, technical advise, and ease of doing business we can. We are available to help our customers select materials, work through application issues, overcome engineering challenges or talk business strategy. From basic questions to complex technical inquiries, we are here to get you the answers you need.


5. Over 20 Years of Business
As we look back on our more than 20 years of business, we truly appreciate the reason we are still here, with more opportunity ahead, is due to the support of our entire network; customers, production partners, and GCP team-members. The best part is, everyone in our group believes we are just getting started. Our team continues to innovate, improve and consistently exceed our own belief of what’s possible.


6. Family Company
Since 1999, we’ve been committed to making a difference in the lives of our team members and everyone we do business with. Being a family company means it matters to us that we do right by our customers, production partners, team members, and all the communities we live and work in. Maintaining long-term relationships is based on a sense of mutual respect, willing engagement and an understanding of common objectives.


How To Get Started

If you would like to develop a product, find a new supplier, end inconsistent quality or fix your supply chain issues, we want to help. To get started today, book a free 20 minute consultation to hear what we can offer you.

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